Prototype Usability Testing and Evaluation
We conducted a simple evaluation of our paper prototypes by creating simple Marvel apps and then presenting three tasks to participants. Our participants were college students and we conducted the tests in their homes. Each participant was administered a pre-test questionnaire, given the Marvel app, and asked to complete these three tasks:
Make a post searching for a guitarist to collaborate with
Add the guitarist and their track to the song
Share the finished song
The users were then administered a post-test questionnaire.
This test yielded positive and negative takeaways. We learned that the users thought that our application had a lot of cool functionality and they liked that it was similar to applications they’ve used in the past. We also learned that the users were confused about how to open their song when entering the audio workstation. Furthermore, although our application was supposed to be a desktop application, the way it was presented in the paper prototypes felt like a mobile application. Therefore, we took these findings when making our wireframes and focused on making our wireframes look like desktops, improving the clarity of the audio workstation, and improving intuitiveness of icons and buttons...